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Travel Clinic – Travel Vaccinations
At Least 8 weeks prior to your departure date complete a travel form for all travellers then hand completed forms to reception.
Forms are available to download below or collect form Orchid House Surgery reception.
Should you need any vaccinations relating to foreign travel that are available on the NHS someone from the surgery will be in touch to make an appointment if you have not heard from us after 2 weeks please contact the surgery.
Please note any forms that are received with less than 8 weeks before a departure date will not be able to be seen at the surgery, we would therefore advise you to make an appointment with one of the local private travel clinics in the area for last minute vaccinations.
As you will be aware, GP surgeries are working under increasing pressure, and have to prioritise the NHS services they can provide. We have previously offered a full travel service including private vaccinations until recently, but sadly we are no longer able to continue with this private service.
The NHS has a very comprehensive web-site, giving you all the information you need to identify any vaccines advised for trips abroad, and ensure that you stay as healthy as possible.
This can be found at
The following vaccinations are commonly required for many holiday destinations, and are still available free of charge on the NHS for us to give you subject to need and availability;
Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio (combined)
Hepatitis A
Other vaccinations may be necessary for more exotic or unusual destinations, complex travel itineraries, or long stay vacations. These vaccinations need to be given at a private/high street travel clinics e.g. Wimborne Travel Clinic/Boots etc. There will be a charge for these. If you would rather have all of your vaccinations done at these clinics, they can also give the vaccines above but they will charge for these.
We strongly advise you to check all your requirements at least three months before you travel, as sometimes a course of up to three vaccinations needs to be given over the course of several weeks.
Please download or collect a travel form and make sure this is filled out and returned to us.
Travel Risk Assessment Form – for patients
It is your responsibility to ascertain which vaccinations (and, if relevant, anti-malaria tablets) you need, and also to inform yourself fully of recommended travel safe precautions.
To do this, you should visit and read the information relevant to the country you are visiting.
Follow these simple steps:
Hepatitis A: if you have had two vaccinations, you are covered for 25 years (from the 2nd dose)
Diphtheria, Tetanus & Polio (DTP): booster required every 10 years (for travel purposes only)
Typhoid: booster required every 3 years (if still at risk)
The ‘vaccinations sometimes advised’ section usually relates to back-packers, people travelling for more than 4 weeks, or special situations, e.g. working in health care projects, or with animals. If you are planning such a trip you need to make arrangements to have these at a high street travel clinic. There will be a charge for these.