Stay well financially this winter – Stay Well Dorset IMPORTANT PATIENT NOTICE Kooth – digital mental health provider Veteran Friendly Practice Prescriptions for 35 minor conditions are no longer available in Dorset Thank you for only ordering what you need NHS A-Z Conditions Please choose the right healthcare service in Dorset
website –
website –
Neighbourcar is a voluntary transport scheme for the over 50’s. The schemes will take you for hospital appointments, doctors appointments, hairdressers, chiropody and other trips you need to make including shopping if a driver is available.
The contact details are as follows:-
Wimborne, Ferndown and West Moors NeighbourCar Scheme: 07912 273722
Vision Wimborne (dial-a-ride): 01202 880699
West Moors NeighbourCars: 07922 125266
West Parley NeighbourCars: 07592 860104
Verwood Good Neighbours: 01202 804003
Corfe Mullen Community Aid (for medical appointments only):
01202 697998 (enquiries) / 07000 780593 (bookings)
Ferndown Memory Café
This is a support group for people and their carers suffering with Dementia/Alzheimers. It is held the first and third wednesday of every month 1:15pm-2.45pm at the Royal British Legion, Church Road.
For more info tel: (01202) 764352 or email
Alzheimers Society website –
This is me provides information about the person at the time the document is completed. It can help health and social care professionals to build a better understanding of who the person really is.
Age Concern Ferndown is a weekly lunch and social club that meets in the Barrington each Thursday for friendship & fun to meet new peopl who may be lonely or isolated, housebound & unable to get out. For more information contact Anne the Chair of Age Concern Ferndown on
01202 580604 or Elizabeth the co-ordinator on 07941 126304
Wiltshire Farm Foods: 0800 773 773
provides frozen meals, weekly deliveries, CRB checked drivers, special diets catered for
Oakhouse Foods: 01202 814179
provides frozen meals & groceries, free weekly deliveries, CRB checked drivers, special diets catered for
website –
If your injury is not serious, you can get help from a Minor Injuries Unit (MIU) rather than going to an A&E department. This will allow A&E staff to concentrate on people with serious, life-threatening conditions and will save you a potentially long wait.
Our local MIU is at Victoria Hospital in Wimborne and is open Monday to Friday 8.00am – 8.00pm. Staurday to Sunday 8.00am – 8.00pm
Contact details:
Address: Victoria Hospital, Victoria Road, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 1ER
Phone: 111
Ferndown South & West Parley01202 896824/07796 546904
Ferndown North 01202 922938
West Moors 01202 896939/01202 892902
Church Road, Ferndown 01202 877706
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole 01202 710 777 – Bournemouth Churches Housing Association (BCHA)
Dorset 0800 032 504 Paragon
0808 2000 247
in an emergency call 999