Stay well financially this winter – Stay Well Dorset IMPORTANT PATIENT NOTICE Kooth – digital mental health provider Veteran Friendly Practice Prescriptions for 35 minor conditions are no longer available in Dorset Thank you for only ordering what you need NHS A-Z Conditions Please choose the right healthcare service in Dorset
Dr Mark Every (M) - BSc BM 1991 Southampton, DFSRH 1997, MRCGP 1999 - Partner
Dr Fran Graña (M) - LMS (MBBS) Oviedo 1996 - Partner
Dr Preethi Balachandran (F) - MRCGP 2012, MB BS India 1998 - Partner
Dr Yin Yau (F) - MBBS 1997 London, MRCGP 2002 - Partner
Dr Stephanie Martindale (F) - MBBS 2010 Newcastle, MRCGP 2015 - Salaried GP
Tracy Dominey - Advanced Nurse Practitioner
Sandra Jarvis - Practice Nurse
Jessica Yates - Practice Nurse
Samantha Atkins - Practice Nurse
Victoria Chin - Practice Nurse
Jane Songhurst - HCA
Sharon Pauley - Phlebotomist
Josie Taylor - Phlebotomist
Lisa Perrett - Tracker Nurse
Emma Simpson - Practice Manager
Jackie Simpson - Operations Manager
Adam - Business Support Administrator
Chrissie - Medical Secretary
Stevie-Lee - Clinical Admin
Emily - Clinical Admin
Anabel - Clinical Admin
Kate - Prescription Clerk/Receptionist
Tina - Receptionist
Lin - Receptionist
Linda - Receptionist
Laura - Receptionist
Abi - Receptionist
Michelle - Receptionist
Helen - Receptionist
Dee Loughman - Clinical Pharmacist
Julie Dijkstra - Clinical Pharmacist
Catherine Walker - Clinical Pharmacist
Tracey - Pharmacy Technician
Lauren - Pharmacy Technician
Wendy Woolgar - Paramedic Practitioner
Jane Kendall - Paramedic Practitioner
Ashley Williamson - Paramedic Practitioner
David Beardwood - Paramedic Practitioner
Emma Woods - Paramedic Practitioner
Jess Rodari - Paramedic Practitioner
Chris Shuter - Social Prescriber
Claire Coleman - Social Prescriber
Xanthe Grace - Health and Wellbeing Coach
Sarah Walbrin - Frailty Nurse
From time to time the practice undertakes teaching and training of healthcare professionals or persons intending to become healthcare professionals. They are always closely supervised and will be clearly identified to you as students. You have the right to decline to be treated in the presence of a student; nevertheless your co-operation in enhancing their training would be greatly appreciated.
All members of the practice are involved in ongoing training and attend courses and lectures.