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Many things effect how well you feel and not all can be easily fixed by seeing a doctor or with medicines.
People often benefit from a different sort of prescription – one which helps them access support from different organisations, support groups and by getting involved in activities in the local community.
Social prescribing starts with a conversation between you and a social prescriber, someone trained to listen who will get to know you and understand your needs. Everybody is different, so your social prescriber will find and signpost you to the people and organisations which are right for you. This is what we call a social prescription.
For example, they will signpost you to services to support with:
· Social isolation and loneliness
· Emotional wellbeing
· Making healthy lifestyle choices
· Managing long-term health conditions
· Housing and financial problems impacting health
· Access to volunteering, training or employment.
The service is free and open to anyone over 13 years.
How do I contact a social prescriber?
It is simple. You can talk to your GP or other healthcare professional, speak to surgery reception staff, or fill in a self-referral form (add button to form if available on practice website). We will take care of the rest and contact you with an appointment.